Wednesday, May 18, 2016

St. Mary's County, Maryland - Old Home

I’m visiting our daughter, Lauren, in St. Mary’s County, Maryland, while Brian travels to Abu Dhabi and Berlin for business. This is where we lived for 13 years and where three of our five children were born. It really does feel like home. I am sitting at Lauren’s kitchen table, listening to jets, jets and more jets, but it is so cloudy and the clouds are so low that I can’t see them even though they are low and right above me. This goes on every day. Lauren calls it their airspace, like jet-class or jet-practice. 

Apparently it has rained here in Maryland for at least a month. Our friends on the Melinda B are way ahead of us and were in the rainy weather for weeks. We, on the other hand, have had fabulous weather almost the whole time. Perhaps Maryland’s weather will suddenly clear up when we arrive on our boat in a few weeks. Even Norfolk, where it has also rained and rained, was nice while we were there. Brian is in Abu Dhabi where it is 100° today and so clear that he can see 50 miles!

Here comes another one! How can jets be so loud and so low but still I can’t SEE them? Even the birds fly up out of the trees when the noise begins.

I feel like I have been lifted right out of my boat life and inserted into another. Yesterday I got the bank statement done and checks written. I did about 8 loads of laundry, including things that need to hang up to dry instead of being baked and shrunk in a laundromat’s dryer.

We want to spend about a month in Virginia, going up and down the big rivers, plus going up the Potomac to D.C. and visiting Virginia’s eastern shore. Even though we lived in Maryland for 20 or 30 years, we never explored the Virginia waters, so we are really looking forward to it. The rivers are the James, the York, the Piankatank, the Rappahannock, and the Potomac, plus Mobjack Bay. Aren’t those great names?

Now it is quiet again - and the clouds have thinned. Everyone is hoping for sunshine.

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