It's all starting to seem real. We've finished outfitting "Pearl" with her new set of electronics which included adding a networked wifi system; backup camera; a second chart plotter; and AIS -- both receive and transponder; and the addition of a Sirius radio to ensure we get our tunes wherever we are! Needless to say, Ellen is amused by all of these purchases -- but of course I'm convinced each is a critical addition to Pearl. We've also now completed our purchase of charts and guidebooks which include paper charts for the entire trip; electronic charts on two Raymarines, laptop running Coastal Explorer, and both Navionics and Garmin BlueCharts on both the iPad and iPhone! Yes, I believe in redundancy -- and am a bit geeky to boot. The technology that can now be used to track weather, waves, wind and tide is incredible -- and yes I've got an app for each.
We're also very pleased that we've managed to figure out the home front while we're gone. A dear friend will be living in our house while we're gone and will be able to keep the plants going; one cat (Charlie the good cat) will be living with Brianna and Seb in New York City (should be an interesting change for a cat that prides itself on his hunting skills!) and the second (Sophia the mean cat) gets to come along on the trip. She'll spend the next six months holed up in one of the clothes cabinets -- only daring to venture out when the engine is off, I'm asleep and food is available.